[Meeting] Meeting de Natal 2018 - Moda Lolita MG
Nesse final de semana tivemos aqui em BH o meeting de Natal que, tradicionalmente, acontece na casa da Alê.
This weekend we had the so-traditional Christmas meeting!

Dessa vez eu decidi participar do amigo oculto e dei muita sorte em tirar a Hazel (do blog My Lolita Day) ! Ela gosta de coisas sweet, então rumei para o centro e visitei todas as lojinhas chinesas que eu mais gosto ♥ Tivemos mais ou menos três dias para fazer as compras, então buscar online era fora de questão.
This time I decided to join the secret Santa and I was very lucky to have Hazel (from My Lolita Day blog) as my secret friend! She likes sweet things, so I went downtown and visited all the Chinese stores that I like the most ♥ We had about three days to do the shopping, so searching online was out of question (also, there was a max range of 5USD for the gifts).

(claro que aproveitei e comprei umas coisas pra mim também, hehe.)
It was VERY hot in the day! Like, VERY VERY HOT! So I decided to go with the Angelic Pretty OP that I just bought!

Fiz o coord mais fresco que eu consegui, prendendo o cabelo no alto, usando meias curtas e colocando o mínimo de acessórios que dava.
I did the simplest coord I could with it, tucking my hair up, wearing short socks and putting the minimum of accessories possible.

Ah! Quem me tirou foi a Nanako! Ganhei um monte de coisa legal, tipo acessório azul marinho (que eu to sempre reclamando que preciso), acessórios para fazer coques (precisava também uhauhauha) e um batom vermelho maravilhoso da Vult! ♥
Ah! Nanako was my second Santa friend! I got a lot of cool stuff, like a navy blue ribbon (which I always complain about not having enough), accessories to make buns (I also needed uhauhauha) and an wonderful red lipstick from Vult! ♥

E é isso! Também tivemos valentines (ganhei dois! ;; <3) e voltei para casa assim que o Sol começou a se por (tinha freela pra entregar ainda kek).
E é isso! <3 Até mais!
And that's it! We also had valentines cards (I won two! ;; <3) and I went back home as soon as the sun started to set.
And that's it! <3 See ya later!
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Rundown: OP: Angelic Pretty Sapatos: Melissa x VW Bolsa: Infantino Todo o resto: offbrand / handmade |
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