[Scan] Otome no Sewing BOOK 15 (乙女のソーイングBOOK15)

by - 15:29


So, as usual, here are my scans for the latest Otome no Sewing Book! Issue 15 was released this past week in Japan, and it features both Midori Fukasawa and Misako Aoki on its cover. 

Let's check the content out before I give my impressions about it!

Featured Coords

OPs (+ apron)

Other Main Pieces

Master Class Project



My Impressions

So, this issue had a fairly unimpressive cover. I don't know to which public they are trying to cater to, but those super costumey pieces surely won't do a good job in convincing Lolitas to buy this issue. 
With that said, I feel as if this issue had less recycled patterns when compared to BOOK 14 and 13, however, some of these pieces are so horrendous that I am not that sure about what to expect for BOOK 15. 

In regards to the featured dresses: We already had a (much prettier) Snow White themed piece back in Issue 5, so I don't know why they've repeated it when there are so many other themes to explore (?).
The witch dress has this horrifying bodice panel that makes the dress ridiculously "low-waisted". Not only that, the ruffled raglan sleeves have such a large armhole area that I'm not sure how this dress would look in real life. Just by looking at the model photos, I'd bet it would be hard not to look frumpy without some adjustments. 

About the OPs + apron: The pink x blue pattern is just SO adorable, I don't know why they didn't chose these for the cover. I mainly bought this issue because of this set of pattern (which we had already seen back in issue 13). 

The purple low-waisted dress is an aberration. I don't want to talk about it.

Finally, the apron (which we had already seen in past issues) is quite cute, and the green OP is just my 2nd favourite pattern from this issue! It's quite original, and the styling gives us a lot of room for customization. I really liked it!

No comments about the JSK, as it's a recycled pattern form issue 6, as is the skirt on the same page.

Master Class Project: these are usually the ugliest patterns, but the most difficult ones in each issue. I enjoyed this one because of the super puffed sleeves, and the overall concept they were trying to convey, but, in all honesty, I'm not very excited to try it out. 

Accessories: this issue had a bit too many accessories patterns, but I liked that they've added masks to its collection.

And that's it!
I'm quite excited to try out some of the main pieces, so I'll make sure to post here if I ever make time to sew them, haha. 

See ya!

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5 comentários

  1. Nossa difícil essa edição hahaha triste

    Eu amei o OP com botões na frente e a blusa sailor. Adorei a boina e as bolsas, a de coração é uma gracinha!

    Do Master class só o corset salva pra mim. O restante eu achei muito sem graça, essas low waist horrorosas nossa. Caimento péssimo

    Aliás, vc pode me mandar uma foto do gráfico de desenho desse corset? Eu tô sempre pedindo tanta coisa pra vc, me desculpa! Se não der tudo bem

    1. Aahahha já começaram errando na capa, afe.
      As bolsas eu vi que muita gente gostou, mas eu mesma gostei só daquela com lação. A de morango acho que ficaria meio murcha (?), não sei auhuhauha

      E mando sim! Vou mandar pelo insta :D

  2. Pior que eu amei a bolsinha de morango haha!
    Deixa eu te perguntar, há alguma forma de assinar as Otome no Sewing? Em qual site você costuma comprar elas?

    1. Até onde sei, não tem alternativa de assinar para compra internacional :( mas eu compro as minhas pela Amazon.jp! Fora da pandemia, porém, pela CDJapan sai mais em conta.

    2. Obrigada! Vou tentar comprar por lá! Estou com alguns tecidos parados e queria voltar a costurar coisinhas pra mim!


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